Tea and cake

Baking. Ahhhh…sweet baking.

How long it had been since we reunited? It makes me sad to say it was probably longer than a month.

But, yesterday we had a reunion. Made some wonderfully moist strawberry cake. The simple therapy of mixing and folding ingredients. Leveling the batter and waiting for it to rise. It was beautiful and smelled so good.

This morning husband asked for a piece, and so I tried it out too. I was inspired to make some tea right before he asked. And so, I had tea and cake this morning. I felt so English. πŸ™‚ Needless to say, the cake was good. Perfect with Earl Gray.

My energy right now is great! Oh, I hope it stays like this today. I am even motivated to have a complete cleaning of the house. It makes me excited to think of a completely clean house! πŸ™‚

Anyway, so perhaps, I should stop more often to enjoy some tea and cake. And be still. Take the moment for all it’s worth. After all the flowers bloom in even the sickest of days. Yes, I will do just that– smile more, and remember that the Lord has made the day and that in itself is worth rejoicing. πŸ™‚

Amazing what a little tea and cake can teach you! Cheers!

For all the mama’s: What inspired you during your pregnancy?

Picture 083P.S: I should note that I only had a slither of a piece, not the whole cut piece you see here.Β  πŸ™‚

One Response to “Tea and cake”

  1. Sylvia Reyes Says:

    Why did you not eat a whole piece? You know your eating for 2 so why not enjoy it once and awhile. Pardon some of my spelling. I’m loseing it. You see what I mean? I’ve already misspled at least 3 words.

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