13 going on 14

So, I’m well into my 13 week being pregnant. It feels like its been longer. I thought that by now I would feel more like myself. But, I’ve been having some off days. Which I don’t care for. For the most part what’s bugging me is that I still don’t have energy some days,  the bad taste in my mouth, and the ringing my ears. If I could just get rid of these things I would be awesome. Well, that and getting rid of the occasional headaches.

Well, on the positive note, I am really happy to know that the baby is progressing nicely. By this time most of baby’s organs are almost complete. 🙂 Baby can now also pee (which is weird to think of). And the vocal chords are forming.

Does anyone have any stories or advice on being pregnant?

3 Responses to “13 going on 14”

  1. Tammy Says:

    Headaches = make sure that you are drinking enough fluids. If you have anything with caffine, it dehydrates so you need to replace even more fluids. Salt food to taste…yes, I said salt. I can explain the rational sometime if you’d like.
    Energy level = Make sure you are eating healthy(plenty of fuits and veggies) and getting in some exercise each day. Even a half- hour walk is great! Great pregnancy diet can be found at http://www.blueribbonbaby.org (it isn’t coming up for me right now, I can get it to you if you want – it will help with the energy level)

    Not pregnancy stories, but the most lovely collection of birth stories can be found in the first half of the book Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth by InaMay Gaskin.

    • jmiszczak Says:

      Thanks Tammy!

      I know I’m not drinking enough fluids. I try so hard, but water sometimes just doesn’t do it. I’ve been mixing 100% fruit juice with water to help me out.
      I do need to start exercising more. And when you have a chance I would love to get a hold of the website.

  2. Debbie Says:

    Stretch Marks — The way to avoid them is to use Burt’s Bees Vitamin E oil and Palmers ORGANICS Cocoa Butter Massage CREAM for Stretch Marks. I used this and I have no marks on my stomach.



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